In nurseries, a large number of cats are often kept at the same time, and despite such an accumulation of animals and contrary to popular belief, cats leave for their new house sleek and ready for home life, not weak and “infectious.” How do they do it? It’s not only because of the Sphynx Cat Parasites treatment, but it is also connected with the competent prevention of various diseases, including parasitic ones.
Are Sphynx Cat Parasites Dangerous for humans
Again, contrary to the “horror stories” broadcast in the media and even by some doctors, in most cases, Sphynx Cat Parasites are not as dangerous for people. When we identify pets as a serious risk group, we often forget that there is a much greater chance of us catching a parasite from food or neglecting our personal hygiene.
With regular treatment, they do not pose a threat to either adults or children if we observe the rules of hygiene and safety of the animals themselves. For this and many other reasons, the appearance of a child in the house is not a reason to get rid of a cat.
Feline parasites pose a real threat, undermining health and leading to serious disruptions in a cat’s body.
What is dangerous for cats | ||
fleas | ticks | worms |
skin lesions, allergies, anemia, worm infestation, various other infections | encephalitis, typhus, tularemia, pyroplasmosis and other infections, worm infestation, | intoxication, exhaustion, allergies, anemia, convulsions, necrosis of organs and tissues, death |
The order of preventive measures:
- Flea treatment two times a year.
- Treatment against worms 3-7 days after treatment against fleas every six months.
- Vaccinations once a year.
- The first treatment against worms is carried out at the age of three weeks.
- The second treatment – in six weeks. At the same age, you can start to use drops on their withers for protection against fleas and ticks.
- When the animal is two months old, treatment against external parasites should be carried out every six months
- The third deworming – at nine weeks.
After 10 days, the first vaccination is carried out.
Adult Cats
Treatment for domestic cats against fleas should be done two times a year. Before and after treatment, the cat should not be bathed for three days.
IMPORTANT! All drugs from parasites should be strictly calculated according to the animal’s weight. Do not ignore the instructions. It is dangerous for your pet’s health.
Deworming – a set of actions aimed at the destruction or expulsion of parasitic worms (helminths) from the body.
This procedure for humans and animals is carried out using special preparations, anthelmintic, in the form of tablets or suspensions. It allows to neutralize parasites, their fragments (those can be toxic), eggs and larvae.
How can a Sphynx Cat get infected with internal Parasites?
After all, they do not appear on their own. Here are the main risk factors:
- raw meat and fish;
- dirt, which can be brought in by the owner;
- mice (toxoplasma and other worms, as well as bacterial infections, rabies);
- fleas;
- mosquitoes and flies, sometimes, cockroaches;
- being outside in nature;
- in the neighborhood from a dog (as dogs walk on the street).
All deworming procedures are indicated in personal veterinary passports.
Prevention is carried out on the indicated date (every six months) once during the first morning feeding. Notes on deworming should be made in the veterinary passport of the pet. Do not deworm a weakened animal. Do not give the cat human medication against parasites.
If worms or their fragments are found in the feces after giving the drug, the procedure must be repeated again after 10 days. If there are a lot of worms and symptoms related to them, consult your veterinarian for help.
Possible Symptoms of Sphynx Cat Parasites:
- diarrhea;
- bloody stool;
- swollen, enlarged abdomen;
- weight loss;
- constipation or diarrhea;
- stunting and development in kittens;
- fast fatigability;
- yellowness/pallor of the mucous membranes;
- in severe cases, seizures and paralysis of the hind limbs may appear.
These symptoms can be manifestations of a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is important to contact the veterinary clinic as soon as possible to find out the reasons and timely help the animal.
How to protect a Sphynx Cat from parasites
- Do not let the cat out of the house onto the street, as there are other dangers waiting for it.
- The tray must be cleaned of contaminants every day – feces should not remain there for longer than a day.
- When the filler is completely changed, the tray should be thoroughly washed with hot water and soap.
- Cat nutrition with high-quality food.
- Do not give the cat raw meat and fish – neither freezing nor scalding with boiling water will guarantee the safety of products.
- Every six months, treat against fleas and ticks (collar, drops or tablets).
- Deworm every six months.
- Try to wean the cat from sitting on the rug at the front door.
- If possible, put shoes in the closet or on a stand.
- Special nets on the windows will protect the house from annoying insects and the cat from falling out.
- Regularly carry out wet cleaning.
As with any other health issue, prevention is always easier and preferable than doing a treatment. And, most importantly, protecting your pet from serious health problems caused by external factors is within the power of every conscious owner.